Historic Granville kicks off the 2023 season with an orientation for 32 new volunteers and training for all volunteers. Each year Granville has a theme which is the foundation for many of our exhibits and activities throughout the year. This year the theme is "Steamboat Days in Granville." Granville has a rich steamboat history, and our guests will have an opportunity to hear stories and see exhibits that focus on that history.
The Granville volunteer family has grown to 234 members. These volunteers make our unique town possible. On May 6th Granville will open the World's Largest Whiskey Decanter Museum. Due to this new museum and the increase in visitors, it became necessary to add to our volunteer staff, and on March 2nd an afternoon of training was held for our volunteers in all eight of our museums. Town tours with new information to inform our volunteers about steamboat history and our new exhibits will ensure that our volunteers will be fully trained to share with our visitors during 2023 information that will provide a meaningful experience for everyone who visits Granville during the year.
After completion of the training and orientation, volunteers enjoyed a delicious meal as a part of our Historic Granville Annual Meeting. Randall Clemons President stated that "volunteers since 1999 have made Granville grow into the unique destination that it currently is. We are so blessed with a dedicated volunteer family who has the passion of preserving our unique town". Our volunteers come from all over Middle Tennessee and typically volunteer once each month. Clemons noted that "anyone interested in becoming a volunteer may call 931-653-4544 or send an email to www.granvilletnoffice@gmail.com". We will provide information and help you decide your area of interest in becoming a volunteer at one of our museums or other attractions. Clemons noted that "Granville is a great example of Tennessee being the Volunteer State, and we can't thank our volunteers enough for the great job that they do.

New volunteers for 2023 attend orientation at the Granville Museum prior to our season kickoff. All volunteers receive training each year to ensure that all our staff are well informed about the theme and focus for the year ahead.