Historic Granville's Mayberry - Lucy Day on April 14th and 15th is honored to have Dixie Griffith, daughter of Andy Griffith, as a featured performer at this year's festival. Dixie will be doing two special programs on her family with a special video to be shown. These will be hosted by professional "Floyd" impersonator, Alan Newsome. These programs will be held at the Granville United Methodist Church on Friday, April 14th at 3:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 15th at 11:00 a.m. Dixie and Michelle Bryson will also be performing during the festival as the Fun Girls of the Andy Griffith Show. This year's festival is being expanded to a two-day event which features Friday, April 14th as a more personal day with a "Meet and Greet" with Mayberry Lucy Impersonators from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. at Granville Event Center. At 4:00 p.m. there will be a special one-time program
" I Love Lucy Memories" at Granville United Methodist Church by Jeff & Carrie Ketterman who are professional impersonators of Ricky & Lucy. The Mayberry Dinner Theater will be doing special plays on 14th & 15th entitled "The Best of Mayberry" with reservations required. A special feature of these two plays will be the Mayberry Lucy Impersonators who will perform at intermission of the plays. Following the plays, there will be an outdoor showing of the new movie, "Mayberry Man" at the Granville Event Center. Alan Newsome, who was a main character in the movie, will be sharing about the movie prior to the showing. Bring your lawn chairs for outdoor seating or you may view from your car "drive-in" style. This year's festival will also includes the following professional performers of these characters: Barney, Floyd, Otis, Fun Girls, Dixie Griffith, Briscoe, Andelina, The Darlings, Berachah Valley Mayberry Bluegrass Band, Gomer, Goober and Ricky & Lucy. A Mayberry Look-A-Like Contest, Mayberry Trivia, Lucy Look-A- Like Contest, Fred & Ethel Look-A-Like Contest, Lucy Trivia, Lucy Grape Stomping Contest, Wrapping Chocolate Contest, Squad Car Nationals Competition and Mayberry Parade will also highlight the fun for the day. The Mayberry Diner will be serving lunch with Andy Griffith reruns playing. There will be lunch served in Sutton General Store, along with food and craft booths. For more information visit this website or call 931-653-4151.

Dixie Griffith daughter of Andy Griffith performs At Mayberry Lucy Day on April 14 & 15!