Sutton Store Hours
8:30 am - 4 pm Wed-Fri
8:30 am - 8 pm Sat
(931) 653-4151

Other Attractions
11 am - 3 pm Wed-Fri
11 am - 5 pm Sat
(931) 653-4151

Granville Artisans' Gallery
The Granville Artisans Gallery had its Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting on March 9, 2022. The Granville Artisan Gallery is on the second floor of Sutton General Store. The Gallery provides an opportunity for local artisans to showcase their talents and for our visitors to purchase a beautifully crafted item that is sure to become a family treasure.
Don't miss an opportunity to visit. Watch our website for details about our "Meet the Maker" classes throughout the year and have an opportunity to visit with many of our artisans in the Pioneer Village Craft Barn on selected weeks during the year.
Community members participating in the Grand Opening are pictured left to right are Skip Peek Broom Maker Artisan, Margaret Oldham Volunteer, Kendra Bryant Sutton General Store Manager, Liz Bennett Vice President, Granville Museum, Susan Peek Chairman of Artisans Gallery, Bobby Swann Woodworking Artisan, Lisa Huff Historic Granville Program Director, Barbara Boone Basket Artisan, Ashley DeRossett, Middle Tennessee Division Manager Tennessee Department of Tourist Development, Hope Vargas, Executive Director Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. Second Row Left to Right Jay Frankenfield Pottery Artisan, Randall Clemons President Granville Museum, Isabel Cohen Artist Artisan, Stan Webster Vice President Granville Museum, Larry Edmondson Board Member Granville Museum, Michelle Hix Jackson County Mayors Office, Mayor Randy Heady, Jackson County Mayor.

Open: Wed–Sat, Year Round
Hours: Wed-Fri 10:00 to 3:00 pm & Saturday 10:00 to 5:00 pm
The Granville Artisans' Gallery is included in your Town Tour Ticket. Tickets are $7.00 for Adults, $5.00 for Children 6-12; Children Under 6 are Free. Your Tour Ticket gives you access to a guided tour of the Sutton Homestead and Pioneer Village and a self-guided tour of all the other buildings and museums, including, Granville Museum, Farm to Your Table Agriculture Museum, Daniel Barber Shop and Post Office Museum, Clemons Car Museum, Mayberry - I Love Lucy Museum, Granville Whiskey Decanter Museum, Whistle Stop Saloon and Ice Cream Museum and Tennessee Quilt & Textile Museum. Purchase your town tour tickets at Sutton General Store, Southern Shops of Granville or Aunt Bee's Quilt Shop and Bakery.

Barbara Boone, Basket Weaver

Jay Frankenfield, Potter

Bobby Swann, Wood Carver

Skip and Susan Peek, Broom Makers, Hand Woven Crafts
Other Artisans who have booths in the Gallery but not pictured above: Chuck Becker, Margaret Blum, Sheryle Bruno, Brenda Curtis, Vickie Givens, Robert Houck, Phoebe Neal, Patricia Nichols, Richard Payne, Leona Phillips, Bill Pschigoda, Susan Richardson, Sandy Rider, Trish Teffeteller, and Brandon Vaughn.